Unidad Ejecutora Doble Dependencia - Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Facultad de Ingeniería - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Publicaciones y divulgación científica. Se presenta el progreso de la ciencia e investigaciones desarrolladas en nuestros laboratorios. La mayoría de los trabajos obtenidos en investigación se encuentran disponibles.

Publicaciones 2016

Stable Null-Space Path-Following Controller for Car-Like Robots

Año: 2016

Autores: Toibero, M.; Roberti, F.; Herrera, D.; Amicarelli, A.; Carelli, R.;

Resumen: This paper proposes a novel path following controller for Car-Like robots. This controller incorporates the saturation of the vehicle steering angle by considering of a Null-Space design. This way, the controller has a double objective: the primary task is to avoid the saturation of the steering angle by considering an appropriate Gaussian functional, and as a secondary task the robot asymptotically follows a specified path in the null space of the main task. This work includes the control system stability analysis according to Lyapunov theory, and reports simulation and experimental results for an outdoor Car-Like robot verifying the correct system behavior.

Link: http://www.eafit.edu.co/minisitios/clca-eafit/SiteAssets/Paginas/default/Conference%20Proceedings%20