Unidad Ejecutora Doble Dependencia - Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Facultad de Ingeniería - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Publicaciones y divulgación científica. Se presenta el progreso de la ciencia e investigaciones desarrolladas en nuestros laboratorios. La mayoría de los trabajos obtenidos en investigación se encuentran disponibles.

Publicaciones 2017

Teleoperación Trilateral con Retardo de un Robot Móvil

Año: 2017

Autores: Slawiñski, E.; Mut, V.;

Resumen: This paper analyzes the stability of a trilateral teleoperation system of a mobile robot. The dynamics of two manipulator-like masters and mobile robot as well as time- varying and asymmetric delays are taken into account. A set of P+d controllers is included into the delayed teleoperation system. From the analysis performed, a procedure to set the control parameters is proposed in order to assure the stability of the whole system. Finally, the theoretical result is verified in practice by means of a simple test about delayed trilateral teleoperation system, where two human operators both collaboratively and simultaneously drive a 3D simulator of a mobile robot to achieve an established task on a remote environment.

Link: https://www.frc.utn.edu.ar/jar2017/